Ilham hari puasa


Sempena bulan puasa ini, aku mengucap selamat berpuasa dan menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri yg akan menjelma tidak kurang seminggu drp tarikh ini kepada seluruh warga Malaysia yang log on blog aku...
Sebagai warganegara Malaysia, kita harus bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi krn telah mengurniakan keamanan, kedamaian dan kemakmuran kpd negara. Justeru, dibulan yg penuh keberkatan & rahmat ini, sama2lah kita berdoa agar misi dan agenda negara dibawah kerajaan sekarang ini akan mencapai objektifnya bagi setiap methodologi yg telah dirangka.
Pada waktu ini, banyak kejadian2 jenayah yg teruk berlaku. Perkara tersebut bukan shj menghantui rakyat, malah kepimpinan negara. Peranan rakyat dlm mencegah jenayah amat dialu2kan & ia adalah selaras dgn tuntutan agama yg mewajibkan rakyat membantu pemimpin dlm mencegah jenayah bagi mencapai kepentingan negara dan rakyat...


Andy said…
Customized Software Development Services

In today’s fast changing IT sector, all softwares need to be updated regularly for quality output. Therefore, Software Development Services have become absolutely mandatory. New processes and business updates need to made regularly to replace existing systems. Offshore Software Development India ensure that a client gets what he wants and that all services are up to the mark. People who provide Software Development India study the needs and requirements of the customer right from the scratch and only then come up with optimum results Offshore Software Development .

All softwares need to be updated regularly for quality output. Therefore, Customized Software Development Services have become absolutely mandatory. New processes and business updates need to made regularly to replace existing systems. Web Development India ensure that a client gets what he wants and that all services are up to the mark. People who provide Software Development India study the needs and requirements of the customer right from the scratch and only then come up with optimum results Customized Software Development Services .

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